10 reasons for bad smell in mouth.
Expensive shirt, brand perfumes There is no shortage anywhere. But there is a problem opening the mouth. Though apparently the body is perfectly healthy, the smell of the mouth creates a negative impedance anywhere. In that case, brushing your teeth with multiple toothpaste in the day can not remove the smell of the mouth? Be careful! There are dangerous diseases behind your stomach. Side effects of stomach disorders, cancer, allergies, diabetes, liver disease, kidney failure, canadella albicans, chronic ovulation, pyelaria, and jagrances syndrome are stench in the mouth.
If the smell of the mouth is Ammonia type then there is a problem of type 1 diabetes. Because, lack of insulin in the body.
If there is a smell of smell such as the smell of morning after every morning of the morning in the breath, then it is understandable that the bacteria are produced after drying the saliva in the mouth.
If there is a problem of sinusa, the nucleus and throat mucus are mixed. The smell is made from it. Due to allergicity, bad odor is created.
If there is a sour taste in the breath, then it is understandable that protein levels in the diet are excessive. Because, Keiton's breakdown.
If you smell the breath, then you have to understand the kidney problem. Nitrogen is formed when the kidney does not work properly, which is responsible for bad odor.
If you get rid of stomach with bad breath, it is understandable that tonsil has problems. Sulfur-producing bacteria are born due to tonsill. Because of that bad odor is made.
Smelling is also made in the face of liver problems. It does not smell regular tooth.
Canadia albicans also cause bad odor. Those who wear any ornament in the tongue, they are more of the problem.
Due to chronic ovulation, it causes bad odor. Palaeolier infections are often caused by ulcers and gastric problems. From it smells bad.
If the disease resistance is low then the mouth becomes dry. Jaguar's syndrome is one of the most important types of medical problems.
According to expert doctors, to eat straw-free, seasonal fresh fruits and vegetables have to be chewed. If caffeine is needed, instead of coffee, it is advisable to drink tea. Sugarless chewing gum can be chewed. Dairy, such as helping digestion, is capable of removing the smell of the mouth. Vitamin C requires adequate supply So doctors recommend eating different types of lemon. Eating drinks or eating cigarettes will also be required.
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